Source code for

"""This module contains a linting function for a tool's help."""
from galaxy.util import rst_to_html

[docs]def lint_help(tool_xml, lint_ctx): """Ensure tool contains exactly one valid RST help block.""" root = tool_xml.getroot() helps = root.findall("help") if len(helps) > 1: lint_ctx.error("More than one help section found, behavior undefined.") return if len(helps) == 0: lint_ctx.warn("No help section found, consider adding a help section to your tool.") return help = helps[0].text or '' if not help.strip(): lint_ctx.warn("Help section appears to be empty.") return lint_ctx.valid("Tool contains help section.") invalid_rst = rst_invalid(help) if "TODO" in help: lint_ctx.warn("Help contains TODO text.") if invalid_rst: lint_ctx.warn("Invalid reStructuredText found in help - [%s]." % invalid_rst) else: lint_ctx.valid("Help contains valid reStructuredText.")
[docs]def rst_invalid(text): """Predicate to determine if text is invalid reStructuredText. Return False if the supplied text is valid reStructuredText or a string indicating the problem. """ invalid_rst = False try: rst_to_html(text, error=True) except Exception as e: invalid_rst = str(e) return invalid_rst